Outcome of Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma After First-Line Chemotherapy
Background: Diffuse large cell B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) the single largest category of lymphoma, is a heterogenous group of malignant lymphomas with several morphologic features.
Objective: To know the outcome and survival of subtypes of Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma (DLBCL) after first-line chemotherapy.
Methodology: This is a retrospective data analysis of adult (>18 years) 126 Diffuse large cell B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) cases analysed after taking consent. Final diagnosis of DLBCL done on the basis of complete panel immunohistochemistry (IHC) in combination with histopathology reports of paraffin embedded blocks of suspected lymphoma cases treated in the department of Haematology of National Institute of Cancer Research and Hospital (NICR&H) of last 5 years data taken up to June 2019.
Results: Total 126 cases were included in this retrospective data analysis and mean age was 47 years with a Standard deviation of 15 years. Males (70.6%) were more in occurrence of DLBCL. We divide the cases into three different entity of DLBCL in this study and Non-GCB variety were the prevalent (46%) one in this study. Several types of first line chemotherapy used in management and 39% complete remission with 10% death observed in overall outcome. No significant difference observed in outcome among different types of DLBCL after treatment. No significant difference observed in survival among different types of DLBCL and overall mean survival 54 month observed.
Conclusion: This limited database study of NICR&H will help to ascertain the outcome and overall survival of DLBCL with first-line chemotherapy in Bangladesh.
Correspondence: Dr. Zulfia Zinat Chowdhury, Department of Haematology, National Institute of Cancer Research and Hospital, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Last Updated on 06/07/2020 by Editorial Staff
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