The Haematology Society of Bangladesh is the successor of Bangladesh Society of Haematology, which was formed on 31/08/1999 under the leadership of late Professor Mohammad Abdur Rashid, the pioneer haematologist in Bangladesh. This is registered at District Social Welfare Office, Dhaka, Bangladesh, as a voluntary organization under The Voluntary Social Welfare Agencies (Registration and Control) Ordinance, 1961 (Ordinance No. XLVI of 1961). The registration no. is  dha-09449 (ঢ-০৯৪৪৯).

This society is a representative organization and voice for all of the haematologists of Bangladesh. The health service system in this country has achieved an enormous advancement after liberation and is advancing rapidly to achieve the international standard. However, still a large number of people are lacking standard haematological treatment due to poverty, lack of public awareness and optimized education being amongst the reasons. The Haematology Society of Bangladesh is to run all its activities to create general awareness about the nature, prevalence, prevention and management of the haematological disorders among Bangladeshi population along with the maintenance of spirit of unity among the haematologists of Bangladesh with protecting their interests and dignity. The society is committed to provide it as an organization to the patients of haematological and related disorders, to serve the nation with optimum skill and confidence, to contribute to further improvement of medical education in Bangladesh targeting an international standard, and to mobilize resources, knowledge and initiatives about the field of haematology to doctors and other health providers and the public.

The following are the aims and objectives of the society-

1. The society will seek to inculcate and maintain the spirit of unity, solidarity, fellow feelings and brotherly cooperation among the haematologists of Bangladesh.

2. The society will seek to establish and protect the interests, rights and privileges of the haematologists in Bangladesh upholding their honour and dignity.

3. The society will create general awareness about the nature, prevalence, prevention and management of the Haematological disorders among Bangladeshi population.

4. The society will enlighten the nation about the fact that haematology is an independent discipline of medical science worldwide and therefore the haematological disorders can be best dealt with a haematologist.

5. The society will seek to provide an organization to the patients suffering from haematological and related disorders to own them and to serve the nation with optimum skill and confidence.

6. The society will organize and support studies and training on haematological disease to contribute to further improvement of education in medical science in Bangladesh.

7. The society will mobilize resources, knowledge, initiatives and efficiencies on priority basis to improve training on haematology at all times.

8. The society will assist, cooperate, affiliate and join in federation with national and international organization holding similar aims and objectives.

Last Updated on 14/03/2024 by Editorial Staff


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