A Multicentre Study on The Causes and Frequency of Donor Deferral Along with Adverse Reaction During Plateletpheresis
Farida Parvin, Bepasha Naznin, Tamanna Afroz, Tashmim Farhana Dipta, Salma Afrose
Background: Plateletpheresis is the process in which healthy donor blood is passed through an apparatus that separates out platelets and returns the remainders to the circulation. As the demand of platelet component is increasing day by day, Transfusion Medicine Department plays an important role to ensure the supply of safe blood when required.
Aim: To determine the causes and frequency of donor deferral along with adverse reactions during plateletpheresis.
Materials and Methods: This study was carried out in Transfusion Medicine Department of BIRDEM, Apollo and Asgar Ali Hospitals at Dhaka during January 2017 to December 2017. The Aphaeretic donor of either sex attending the mentioned department were selected and deferred by physician according to Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) of national guideline. The data of deferred plateletpheresis donor were recorded in register book hand and analysed retrospectively.
Results: Total 1191 plateletpheresis donor were screened during this study period from which 148 (12.42%) were deferred due to various reasons and the majority of donor (93.9%) were deferred temporarily. The major cause of donor deferral was poor venous access (27.7%, mostly in females), low platelet count (16.2%) and use of drug (most commonly analgesic )11.4%. Out of 1043 performed plateletpheresis procedure, 23 (2.20%) had some types of adverse reaction which were mostly of mild intensity.
Conclusion: Continued efforts towards providing the superior training modules for technical personnel and superintendence of Transfusion Specialist reduce the donor deferral. Donor safety in addition with recruitment of new donor can be assured by decreasing the adverse reaction rates.
Correspondence: Dr. Farida Parvin, Assistant Professor, Transfusion Medicine and Clinical Haematology Department, BIRDEM General Hospital and Ibrahim Medical College, Dhaka. E-mail: dr.farida1984@gmail.com.
Last Updated on 06/07/2020 by Editorial Staff
A Multicentre Study on The Causes and Frequency of Donor Deferral Along with Adverse Reaction During Plateletpheresis — No Comments
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