
কনভালেসেন্ট প্লাজমা থেরাপিঃ করোনা ভাইরাসে গুরুতর আক্রান্ত রোগীর চিকিৎসা প্রসঙ্গ — 3 Comments

  1. 1.
    How many days (convalescent plasma) given to each patient ?
    200ml/day. But how many days?
    Each COVID patient, received from same donor or from different donor? That is single patient received from one donor or from different donor.
    Both patient and donor blood group was same? . . Otherswise blood coup ab in plasma will be a problem?
    How they confirmed donor was non infective from viral antigen?

  2. 1. Single 200ml
    2. Single day
    3. They collected 40 donar plasma.
    4.Blood group not mentioned.
    5. After transfusion they check viral load and neutralising antibody case and control.

    • 1. Single 200ml
      2. Single day
      3. They collected 40 donar plasma.
      4.Blood group not mentioned.
      5. After transfusion they check viral load and neutralising antibody case and control.

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